JDE E1 HCM SIG 12/18/2018 Conference Call:
JDE E1 HCM SIG 12/18/2018 Conference Call:
10:00AM Alaska, 11:00AM Pacific, 12:00PM Mountain, 1:00PM Central, 2:00PM Eastern & 3:00PM Atlantic
Please join our monthly conference call to learn more about topics of interest, current issues and workarounds/resolutions, and participate in our Open Forum.
1. General Welcome
2. Demo: Alicia Gambrell from iAM HCM Consulting will demonstrate a sample of the HCM Bytes and provide information how to subscribe to the videos. In addition to providing a summary of current and planned HCM Bytes content, Alicia will solicit ideas from the HCM SIG for future content
3. Prior Issues
4. Open Forum