April 12 - April 15, 2021

INFOCUS Envision
The JD Edwards virtual conference for strategic insights and actionable learning

Registration opens February 15!

Present at INFOCUS

Speakers at INFOCUS 20
Join us as we reconvene the JD Edwards community online this fall to learn, connect and explore together. At INFOCUS Envision, product users and experts share case studies, insights, best practices and tips & tricks with the JD Edwards community.

Speaking at INFOCUS is a great way to share your insights, meet new people, and give back to the community. Plus, selected speakers are eligible to receive a free full conference pass (some rules apply).

Speaker Timeline Education Tracks and Hot Topics Edit your presentation

This year’s conference focuses on:

INFOCUS Envision Hot Topics

Continuous Adoption

Take advantage of frequently delivered new enhancements, product innovation and new features in smaller updates, and reduced requirements for costly, disruptive upgrades through Continuous Adoption. These incremental enhancements are easier to consume and help better align IT and the line of business.

User Experience

Leverage some of the many JD Edwards features and functionality to create a simple and intuitive user experience. Whether you’re interested UX One, Orchestrator, notifications, or one of the many other tools, take advantage of what JD Edwards has to offer

Digital Transformation

Transform your JD Edwards environment into a connected, agile, and real-time business through digital transformation. Learn how to be a digital enterprise that uses technology to become more profitable and efficient.

Simplify and Automate

Simplify and automate the ongoing maintenance of JD Edwards to ensure that TCO stays low while taking advantage of innovation opportunities within JD Edwards.

Journey to the Cloud

In today’s competitive and disruptive environment, your business can gain value from a cloud deployment that supports growth, enables business agility, and lowers both cost and risk. There are several options for running JD Edwards in the Cloud that all help you protect your investment, gain agility, and maintain control.

INFOCUS Envision Education Tracks

Financial Management

Presenters will dive into accounts payable, accounts receivable, advanced cost accounting, expense management, fixed asset accounting, general ledgers, OneView Reporting and more to help extend companies’ return on investment.

Human Capital Management

Presentations explore how the products of human resource management, payroll, self-services and time and labor can streamline users’ HCM strategy.

Manufacturing and Distribution

Attendees will learn about synchronizing end-to-end processes including demand and supply management, shop floor and inventory operations, and quality, logistics and customer service.

Tools & Technology

Attendees will learn how infrastructure tools help easily install, update, manage and get the most from JD Edwards applications.

INFOCUS Envision Session Types
Mix and match your sessions for a flexible, custom experience!

  • Customer Case Study: Explain how you or your company have successfully leveraged a specific product, tool, or process. Pass along first-hand tips and tricks, lessons learned, and advice
  • Insights Talk: Looking to inspire? This traditional lecture format introduces an innovative idea or creative solution to a challenging technology problem.
  • Panel Discussion: Perspective is everything! Hear from a moderated lineup of 3-4 subject matter experts sharing different perspectives on a specific topic of interest.
  • Roundtable Discussion: Exchange information and ideas around a specific issue, topic or task in this facilitated open forum.
  • Special Interest Group: Engage with “your people.” Host a conversation to explore shared interests and hot topics.
  • Workshops: Dive deep in these hands-on sessions that walk you step-by-step through specific techniques and skills in a field.

Benefits of presenting at INFOCUS Envision

As an accepted primary presenter at INFOCUS Envision, you’ll earn these exciting benefits:

Primary Customer Speakers: You will receive complimentary full-conference registration including access to all breakout sessions, keynotes, and official networking events once you have accepted the session and submitted in your session materials.

Primary Exhibiting or Sponsoring Vendor Speakers: You will receive complimentary full-conference registration valid April 12 – 15, 2021, including access to all breakout sessions, keynotes and official networking events once you have accepted the session and submitted in your session materials.

  • Your company must have a signed contract submitted for April 12 – 15, 2021 in order to be considered an Exhibiting/Sponsoring Vendor. ​
  • Please note: Vendors may only attend INFOCUS Envision if they have a 2021 membership with Quest and if they are sponsoring and/or exhibiting at INFOCUS Envision.​

Non-Exhibitor/Sponsor Vendor Speakers: You will not be able to present/participate in INFOCUS Envision. If you are interested in speaking/participating please reach out to Michael Marks

All speakers will receive:

  • A profile in the Speakers section of the agenda builder and networking platform, through which supplementary materials can be shared.

Speaker Designations

  • Customer Speakers – individuals who work for a company/organization that utilizes at least one (1) Oracle product or service in a business capacity, and does not re-sell services, support, Oracle products or complimentary products to its customers.
  • Vendor Speakers – individuals who work for a company that sells products, services, support or other complimentary offerings to Oracle products or services.
  • Primary Speakers – the lead presenter listed in the session information. Please note, there can only be one primary speaker per presentation.

Speaker Timeline

December 14, 2020
Call for presentation opens 
January 22, 2021
Call for presentation closes 
February 15, 2021
Registration Opens
February 22, 2021
Education Launches