April 12 - April 15, 2021

INFOCUS Envision
The JD Edwards virtual conference for strategic insights and actionable learning

Bring your whole team and save with a big value Corporate Pass, just $1800! Register now

Sponsor at INFOCUS Envision

Why Participate?

  • Showcase your brand
  • Expand your prospect funnel
  • Build your thought leadership
  • Accelerate business relationships

Build your brand, attract new customers and affirm your company’s competitive edge by exhibiting at JD Edwards INFOCUS Envision. This impactful event – only for the Oracle JD Edwards community – allows exhibitors to reach hundreds of users and help them best leverage their JD Edwards investment.

Interested in joining us at INFOCUS? Contact Michael Marks or 859.219.3591.*

View INFOCUS Prospectus

* Please note: Vendors must be a Quest member AND a sponsor of INFOCUS Envision to attend. Contact Michael Marks if you have any questions about how you can get involved at INFOCUS Envision.

“As a customer and now as a vendor I have found the face-to-face opportunities to interact with my peers and to learn from each other at conferences invaluable. The virtual INFOCUS gave us that opportunity even without being together. I look forward to the next event!”

— Linda Nelson, ALLOut Security

Sponsorship Opportunities

$4,000 – Partner
$4,500 – Member

Virtual Exhibit

  • Pre-show attendee list
  • Post-show attendee list
  • 2 Full Registrations – Vendor Company only.
  • 5 Expo-Only Passes
  • Company name and logo on the Expo listing.
  • Ability to receive leads from Exhibitor Profile.
  • Ability to live stream directly from booth.
  • Ability to update exhibitor profile with logo, company bio and social.
  • Ability to attach handouts.
  • Ability to embed 1 video.

$7,000 – Partner
$8,000 – Member

Premium Virtual Exhibit

  • Pre-show attendee list
  • Post-show attendee list
  • 4 Full Registrations – Vendor Company only.
  • 10 Expo-Only Passes
  • Company name and logo on the Expo listing.
  • Logo placement in the Expo Floor Rotating Banner.
  • Ability to receive leads from Exhibitor Profile.
  • Ability to live stream directly from booth.
  • Ability to update exhibitor profile with logo, company bio and social.
  • Ability to attach handouts.
  • Ability to embed 1 video.

$1,000 – Partner
$1,500 – Member


  • Attendees play to win. Contribute a prize and make connections as attendees stop by your booth.
  • Program is cross-promoted daily to all attendees, driving awareness, participation and engagement.
  • Meet prospects, collect leads and build your brand.
  • Exhibitor selects prize item and manages customer delivery process.


Additional Advertised Exhibit Demos

  • Additional Exhibit Demos on Event Agenda.

$9,000 – Partner
$11,000 – Member

Basic Expo Bundle

  • Virtual Exhibit
  • Quest-opoly

$15,000 – Partner
$18,000 – Member

Premium Expo Bundle

  • Premium Virtual Exhibit
  • Quest-opoly


HCM Title Sponsor

  • 2 Full Conference Registrations – must be used by a member of the sponsoring company
  • 5 Full Conference Registrations – must be used by a customer
  • 1 Premium Virtual Exhibit (4 Full Conference Registrations,10 Expo-Only Passes)
  • Quest-opoly
  • 1 Sponsored Session (1 Primary Speaker Registration and Leads)
  • Branding on the HCM Coffee & Connect – ability to participate
  • Branding Recognition as HCM Title Sponsor
  • Exclusive Sponsorship


Financials Title Sponsor

  • 2 Full Conference Registrations – must be used by a member of the sponsoring company
  • 5 Full Conference Registrations – must be used by a customer
  • 1 Premium Virtual Exhibit (4 Full Conference Registrations, 10 Expo-Only Passes)
  • Quest-opoly
  • 1 Sponsored Session (1 Primary Speaker Registration and Leads)
  • Branding on the Financials Coffee & Connect – ability to participate
  • Branding Recognition as Financials Title Sponsor
  • Exclusive Sponsorship


M & D and SCM Title Sponsor

  • 2 Full Conference Registrations – must be used by a member of the sponsoring company
  • 5 Full Conference Registrations – must be used by a customer
  • 1 Premium Virtual Exhibit (4 Full Conference Registrations, 10 Expo-Only Passes)
  • Quest-opoly
  • 1 Sponsored Session (1 Primary Speaker Registration and Leads)
  • Branding on the M & D and SCM Coffee & Connect – ability to participate
  • Branding Recognition as M & D and SCM Title Sponsor
  • Exclusive Sponsorship


Technology Title Sponsor

  • 2 Full Conference Registrations – must be used by a member of the sponsoring company
  • 5 Full Conference Registrations – must be used by a customer
  • 1 Premium Virtual Exhibit (4 Full Conference Registrations, 10 Expo-Only Passes)
  • Quest-opoly
  • 1 Sponsored Session (1 Primary Speaker Registration and Leads)
  • Branding on the Technology Coffee & Connect – ability to participate
  • Branding Recognition as Technology Title Sponsor
  • Exclusive Sponsorship


INFOCUS Digital Title Sponsorship

  • Linkable Display Ad on Event Home Page
  • Linkable Display Ad in Event Navigation Bar
  • Linkable Display Ad in Event Lobby
  • Linkable Display Ad in Event Registration Confirmation Email


INFOCUS Super Session

  • Lead list of all session attendees.
  • 1 Full Conference Registration for Primary Speaker.
  • 1 Premium Virtual Exhibit (4 Full Conference Registrations, 10 Expo-Only Passes)
  • Ability to include handouts.
  • Ability to have polls.
  • Recording of session.
  • Exclusive – no other content will be running at the same time.


Track Spotlight Sessions
Available for HCM, Financials, M&D and SCM, Real Estate, and Tools & Tech

  • Lead list of all Track Spotlight Session attendees. (Only for Specific Track.)
  • 1 Full Conference Registration for Primary Speaker.
  • Ability to include handouts.
  • Ability to have polls.
  • Recording of session.
  • Semi-exclusive – only Spotlight sessions will run in this time slot.

$3,000 – Partner
$3,500 – Member

Sponsored Session

  • Lead list of all Sponsored Session attendees. (Only for the session being given by the sponsor.)
  • 1 Full Conference Registrations for Primary Speaker.
  • Listed with education sessions in event planner.
  • Ability to include handouts.
  • Ability to have polls.
  • Recording of session.

$3,000 – Partner
$3,500 – Member

Community Insight Content Placement – Customer Story

  • Ability to provide a Customer Story in Community Insight Digital Magazine. (Customer must approve of their placement in the magazine.)
  • Minimum 1 page and maximum of 2 pages.
  • Digital magazine will live on the Quest Website in the Content Library.
  • Content (text and images) must be provided by the vendor and approved by the Quest Customer Learning Team.
  • Vendor must comply with all deadlines. Neglect of these deadlines will result in omission of the article.


INFOCUS Party Sponsor

  • Lead list of all INFOCUS Party attendees
  • 1 Premium Virtual Exhibit (4 Full Conference Registrations, 10 Expo-Only Passes)
  • Logo and/or Company name – Quest Website
  • Logo and/or Company name – Applicable Communications
  • Logo in Party Agenda Listing (logo links to virtual exhibit)


Attendee Match Sponsor

  • Lead list of all Attendee Match participants.
  • Branding as Attendee Match Sponsor.
  • Logo on Attendee Match listing on event Agenda.
  • Ability for 4 employees of sponsoring company to participate in the Attendee Match (other vendors are prohibited.)


Platform Display Ad

  • Linkable display ad on the INFOCUS event About page


Email Sponsorship- Final Pre-Event Logistics

  • Linkable Display Ad on the Final Pre-Event Logistics email.
  • Must comply with specs provided by the Quest marketing team.


Pre or Post-Event Email

  • 1 email distributed to INFOCUS registrants.
  • Sponsor creates the messaging/text of the email. (Sponsor must comply with content specs provided by Quest.)
  • Ability to include hyperlink to drive desired traffic.
  • Email will be sent one time, two weeks prior to the first day of INFOCUS or two weeks after the last day of INFOCUS*

Quest will provide available dates during the 2-week time frame and the Sponsor will have the ability to select the date that the email is sent. Selection of available dates will be based on Partner/Member level. If a sponsor contracts after the initial round of selection, the dates will be selected on a first come-first serve basis.

Community Insight – Insight Front or Back Cover

  • Placement of 1 full page advertisement on the inside front or back cover of Community Insight.
  • Distributed to event attendees.
  • Digital magazine will live on the Quest Website in the Content Library.
  • Advertisement is designed by the vendor, in accordance with Quest specifications.
  • Vendor must comply with all deadlines. Neglect of these deadlines will result in omission of the ad.

“As an exhibitor and conference presenter we have been impressed by the virtual INFOCUS experience. The event provided an excellent interactive platform for knowledge sharing and learning amongst the JD Edwards community. We enjoyed welcoming visitors to our booth and presenting in the conference.”

— Klik IT Ltd - Archiving & Data Management for JD Edwards